Archive for 3/25/2004

The UN supports terrorism

It has become obvious to any honest individual that the UN is essentially a pulpit for dictators, communists, and looters of all sorts to attack and demand welfare from the few free countries of the world.

The latest resolution against Israel condemned “the most recent extrajudicial execution committed by Israel” and “all attacks against any civilians as well as all acts of violence and destruction.” This was for the killing of a man “responsible for the deaths of 377 Israelis in at least 425 terrorist attacks over the past three-and-a-half years of the Palestinian Authority’s war against Israel.” How many resolutions were passed to condemn the murder of all those innocent people? How many resolutions were passed against brainwashing and sending little boys who “don’t want to die” to blow themselves up? You guessed it – zero. No, the UN cannot even be accused of pacifism –the latest vote demonstrates its open support of terrorists.

Lest we forget that UN representatives represent the policies of the nations they represent, here are the nations that voted to support this mass-murdering “spiritual leader:” China, Russia, France, Angola, Chile, Pakistan, Spain, Algeria, Benin, Brazil, and the Philippines.

On a “lighter” note

Want to send email from the grave? Now you can!

Carving up the loot

I don’t need to mention what I think of the EU ruling to fine Microsoft €497.2 million ($605 mil U.S.) for having the audacity to make superior software. However I was curious how the loot would be split it up. Turns out that it will be a trickle into the €100bn EU budget, which is allocated as follows:

Almost half of this is spent on agricultural aid, for subsidising farmers and their produce, and for improving rural development.

The second biggest portion – about one-third – goes on EU funding, which supports the poorer countries in the union. Currently Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Greece benefit most from this fund.

Money has also been allocated for the 10 countries set to join the union – some 40bn euros in the first three years of enlargement, in which time these countries will pay 15bn euros into the EU budget.

The remainder goes on research and educational programmes, aid to regions outside the EU such as Africa and the Balkans, and administration costs…

Yes, nearly 100% of it is welfare. The linked article also mentions that the DOJ is complaining – such a fat cash cow should not be shared that easily.