caricatures cartoon of Prophet Mohamed Muhamed

Apparently some Muslims are in a tiffy about this image. They are issuing death sentences, burning embassies, and demanding that “honest people all over the world to condemn this act.” But is this an inaccurate portrayal of their religion? Until they condemn these acts, I think it is.

I think there is a historical significance to the fact that European papers have for the first time made a stand against the Islamist invasion– this may be the beginning of an anti-Islamic revolt in Europe.

I don’t believe there is any peaceful resolution possible to the conflict between Western civilization and Islamism. The Europeans are blinded by their multiculturalism, and the Islamists are blinded by their intolerant fanaticism and racism.
The European welfare states are too dependent on their foreign labor populations to expel them, and too multiculturalist to integrate them.

The Paris riots and election of Hamas are just the beginning — the two sides have begun an escalating whirlwind of violent radicalization. The only thing capable of preventing the coming conflict is the American value of religious tolerance — but the European and Islamic cultures are too far gone. This may end with gas chambers once again running in Europe – this time their Islamic population.