Archive for August 18th, 2003

August 18th, 2003

Dear Friend,

If you’re like I was a year ago, you’re in trouble with money. You have bad credit and BIG debts, and you’re looking for answers. I’ve been where you are now, and I know the secret to getting out.

I’ve done everything you would expect to make money. Lottery tickets? I tried that. Books on [...]

August 18th, 2003

Commanding Heights on PBS

I hear that the Commanding Heights miniseries is pretty good—and now it’s all online. The book has been gathering dust on my shelves for a while, so I think I’ve give the video version a try. Stay tuned for a review..

Update: I saw the miniseries, and I have two words for you: SEE IT. [...]

August 18th, 2003

MSNBC provides some “tips” for fixing the power grid. Their “fix”? Nationalization, regulation, and environmentalism—the very causes of the blackouts.
Ah well, another great Cox and Forkum. Also: FCC head warns of more regulations.

August 18th, 2003

Why Objectivists Shouldn’t Be “Atheists”

Relax, I still think that Jesus is nothing but a dressed-up Santa for adults. What I realized after debating with Christians during the last few days however, is that presenting yourself as an atheist or making atheism the focus in a debate is not a good idea. The obvious reason is that I [...]