Archive for August 13th, 2003

August 13th, 2003

Prostitution vs. Organized Religion

My Heinlein quote did not go unnoticed. I was challenged on Hobbes, a local forum, to defend the charge that religion is the oldest, largest, and least productive industry in all history. As if I didnt have better things to do, I stayed up half the night writing a 3000 word response on [...]

August 13th, 2003

Damn, I look good!

August 13th, 2003

“Missile-smuggling plot”? What plot?

God knows, I’m all for blowing to hell any terrorist fuckers than want to mess with the U.S. of A. However I suspect that this latest "missile-smuggling plot" is basically a PR stunt by the FBI, perhaps motivated by the upcoming elections. I was watching an interview with a former FBI chief investigator, and listened [...]