Archive for April, 2005

April 29th, 2005

Uncle Sam wants you… to explain this $50 cash deposit

In 2006, it’ll be a whole lot harder to cheat on your taxes, even accidentally. In fact, you’ll also have to field calls from the government over odd deposits that you make, e.g. a deposit at an odd time of the month, or a cash deposit, or a deposit made from a foreign bank, etc. [...]

April 20th, 2005

Fat is Good?

A new government study indicates that being moderately fat can actually be good for your health. Apparently, the cultural norms for normal weight are too low, and many more Americans die from being too thin (33.7K) than too fat (25.8K). Only problem is that in recent years, the government has spent millions of [...]

April 18th, 2005

Intruder! Intruder!

Unlikely most security systems, this one runs down criminals with uh, smoke and lights. And now it’s going to be used to patrol RFID-tagged Japanese school kids. There’s probably a witty comment I should add about hall monitors, cops patrolling U.S. schools and/or the influence of anime, but I can’t think of it [...]

April 14th, 2005

New Feature: Start your free blog now!

This announcement comes from my forum:

Thanks to our Premium members, the forum now offers a blog feature that integrates with the forum. The software allows you to create your very own full-featured blog with its own URL and share your posts with the forum. You can also add your existing blog to the
forum’s list [...]

April 12th, 2005


There should be no monotony

In studying your botany;

It helps to train

And spur the brain—

Unless you haven’t got any.

It teaches you, does Botany,

To know the plants and spot any,

And learn just why

They live or die—

In case you plant or pot any.

You learn, from reading Botany,

Of wooly plants and cottony

That grow on earth,

And what they’re worth,

And why [...]

April 9th, 2005

Brit Insanity

London Telegraph:
When he was 9 years old, Carl Murphy, now 18, was trespassing at a warehouse near Liverpool, England,

and fell through the roof of the building. He fell 40 feet and suffered a massive skull fracture, so he sued the building’s owner, claiming that if the site had a better security [...]

April 9th, 2005

There’s a thread on one of my favorite Heinlein stories, “The Door into Summer” at the 4aynrandfans forum. I’m currently reading Henlein’s first book, For Us, the Living – highly recommended for hardcore Henlein fans.

April 9th, 2005

The Evil of Christianity

Closeness to nature, deep religious faith, a renewal of chastity and modesty, communal economies, and uncritical open-mindedness. No, I am not referring to popular ideas of our society, but to the middle ages, and the dominant influence that Christianity played therein. Its important to be aware of not just the advantages of living [...]

April 4th, 2005


John at TexasBestGrok points out the hypocrisy of supporting the sanctity of marriage while denying Michael Schiavo the power to speak on behalf of his wife.

OK, ok, I really dont give a damn about the Schiavo charade, I just wanted to plug TexasBestGrok, whose author is a fellow Texan who shares my love of Heinlein, [...]

April 2nd, 2005

From my other blog: Designing an effective campus flier on the ObjectivismOnline meta-blog.