April 9th, 2005

Brit Insanity

London Telegraph:

When he was 9 years old, Carl Murphy, now 18, was trespassing at a warehouse near Liverpool, England, and fell through the roof of the building. He fell 40 feet and suffered a massive skull fracture, so he sued the building’s owner, claiming that if the site had a better security fence to keep him out, he wouldn’t have been injured. The court bought it: he was awarded 567,000 pounds (US$1.06 million). “After all I’ve been through, I feel I really deserve this money,” Murphy says. “The papers just call me a yob and a thug because I’ve been done for robbery and assault but those were just silly stupid little things, like.” He plans to spend his cash on a “flash car” and “a big house so I have a place to live with me mum when she gets out of jail.”

Found at This is True

One Response to “Brit Insanity”

  • Nice post. Sadly things like this happen all the time. Perhaps the judicial branches of government world wide need a shake down to get the irrationals off the bench.

    I like your site, keep up the good work.

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