July 9th, 2004

Personal Update

I haven’t blogged much lately, so it’s time for an update on the recent goings-on in my life. I mentioned a while back that I had a great internship coming up in San Antonio. Unfortunately, the company reneged on their offer on the last minute, so I took summer classes and worked for the first half of the summer, which kept me very busy, but will allow me to graduate in August. Fortunately, I found another internship working on the website of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute in Auburn AL, where I am currently staying and working. I will be here until the end of their summer conference, by which point I hope to find some long-term employment.

The more immediate reason for the lack of updates is that I wasn’t able to take my desktop with me, and due to a combination of lack of planning and the incompetence of Dell customer support, I won’t receive my new laptop till at least Monday. My email access will be sporadic for a while, but I can be reached at heroic(at)gmail.com or veksler(at)mises.org

2 Responses to “Personal Update”

  • Wow! What an awesome place to do an internship, though! Congrats!

    If you find yourself in the ATL, hit me up and I’ll show you a decent restaurant. Congrats on your impending graduation and good luck!

  • Enjoy Auburn, and don’t forget to hit the Sani-Freeze ice cream shop…if it still exists.

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Dear god(s), Grant me courage and eloquence to boldly speak the truth when I know it; honesty to keep my mouth shut when I don't, the wisdom to know the difference, and the determination and integrity to discover the facts.
--David Veksler