June 2nd, 2004

“post traumatic slave syndrome”

It takes a sociology professor to sink to this level of lunacy:

A Portland lawyer says suffering by African Americans at the hands of slave owners is to blame in the death of a 2-year-old Beaverton boy. Randall Vogt is offering the untested theory, called post traumatic slave syndrome, in his defense of Isaac Cortez Bynum, who is charged with murder by abuse in the June 30 death of his son, Ryshawn Lamar Bynum. Vogt says he will argue — “in a general way” — that masters beat slaves, so Bynum was justified in beating his son. The slave theory is the work of Joy DeGruy-Leary, an assistant professor in the Portland State University Graduate School of Social Work. Because African Americans as a class never got a chance to heal and today still face racism, oppression and societal inequality, they suffer from multigenerational trauma, says DeGruy-Leary, who is African American. Self-destructive, violent or aggressive behavior often results, she says.

7 Responses to ““post traumatic slave syndrome””

  • Truly awesome example of left-wing insanity. Good on you, brother.

  • What century does that lawyer live in? His defendent would have to be over one hundred thirty years old, in order to have be a slave in this country. Unless of course someone broke the law. Every one who has a decent American history education knows that the 13′th amendment outlawed slavery. If he was a slave in any state in the union, during the last century, that means that someone else also needs to be put on trial! If he was not, if one of his ancestors was a slave, than how can he have post traumactic slave syndrome, even assuming such a thing exists?

  • I cannot believe this theroy, post tramatic slave syndrome, as a defense for murder? I hope that this
    is not accepted. Slavery ended in 1865, I do not believe that anyone is still suffering from slavery
    over 130 years ago. Would it be acceptable for post tramatic slave ownership syndrome? I think most
    people in their late 30’s up were subjected to a ‘whuppin” was normal, but broken bones were not a part
    of it. I have a hard time believing that this child received head injuries, and broken ribs from
    playing helicopter? A childs bones are pliable and a child that has so many injuries is a victim of

  • Most of those enslaved africans in my eyes loved their children. He should have use this ptss.I believe ptsscan be or is real if somebody is listening.IT SEEMS INCONCEIVABLE THAT FOR 200 YRS. SLAVESHIPS CARRIED CARGO OF SLAVES.

  • I don’t know about anyone else, but can you tell who left that last message? There is no way on God’s green earth that a caucasian would type that crap. “PTSS” is a load of crap, and I will argue with any black person about this any day of the week. Mother effers. Thank you, have a nice night!

  • It is clear that no one who has posted here knows anything about Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome. Before you trash the theory at least try to understand it first. If you can’t do that, at least have the decency to keep quiet about it. Remember that we could all stand to learn a little more and to increase our sensitivity to alternative perspectives.

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