March 21st, 2004

Hamas leader killed in Israeli airstrike

Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the founder and spiritual leader of Hamas was just killed in an Israeli airstrike. MSNBC was quick to point out that he was a quadriplegic, but not that he has been planned uncounted terrorist attacks, openly assassinated IDF soldiers, and murdered many Palestinian “spies.” Earlier this year, he made his stance clear: “Muslims should threaten Western interests and strike them everywhere.” We should celebrate the fact that Israel has made it’s anti-terrorist stance clear – and demand that our leaders do likewise.

One Response to “Hamas leader killed in Israeli airstrike”

  • It seems to me that it is VERY relevant that he was just an unarmed old man confined to a wheelchair, just going about his business.

    Oh…..wait…….that was Leon Klinghoffer.

    Burn in HELL, Sheik Yassin!

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