March 5th, 2004

Martha Stewart convicted

Martha Stewart has been convicted on all four counts. I have nothing else to add to the matter other than this: a country that destroys its best, most productive minds does not survive for very long. If 30 years from now, all that is left of America is a broken-down starving dictatorship, today will be the day that finally doomed it. With the media in a witch-hunting frenzy, politicians of all stripes trying to beat one another to the next socialist regulation, and the courts going along, the thugs at the DOJ have nothing left in their way.

Every movement that seeks to enslave a country, every dictatorship or potential dictatorship, needs some minority group as a scapegoat which it can blame for the nation’s troubles and use as a justification of its own demands for dictatorial powers. In Soviet Russia, the scapegoat was the bourgeoisie; in Nazi Germany, it was the Jewish people; in America, it is the businessmen. -Ayn Rand

8 Responses to “Martha Stewart convicted”

  • I just heard, and I can’t believe it. This is a sad day indeed. Hopefully this insanity will be corrected in the appeals process, but as it stands, this is the biggest legal fiasco since OJ was found not guilty (actually much worse in many ways), and the worst news for the future of our country since 9/11.

    But it’s not over yet. It never would have come to this in a free country, but the U.S.A. is still mixed, and this single case is just a particularly horrible symptom of that. I still think it’s a bit premature to say that we’re doomed.

  • I don’t think America is doomed either — hence the “if.” But in the fight for freedom, this is a major setback.

  • I agree with you. I just recently submitted an opinion piece on the case to the campus paper here at The Culinary Institute of America. It was distributed today. In it, I said the same thing you have, that this case will say so much as to the polarity of our political system and rule of law. Certainly, the conviction is a devastating blow to individual rights and this case could prove to be one of the most important steps we take on the road to fascism. We can only hope that the appeals process goes all the way to the Federal Supreme Court, and the defense ACTUALLY defends itself: by fighting the unjust laws that warranted the case to begin with. Perhaps this case could be used to gain ground, by showing how insider trading laws are unconstitutional and unethical. If not, I believe we may be doomed, or at least, the battle has become much, much more grim, especially given the ambiguity of this case.
    “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
    Read my opinion piece at

  • Yesterday’s vedict has most definitely cast a dark cloud over America and our justice system. I have been keeping up with Martha’s efforts to exonerate herself at . I makes me sick to think that this could happen. Who will they go after next?

  • I agree that this is clearly the markings of the end of anything worthwhile in America (Next to the MS Anti-trust case). I’ve been telling all of my clients to outsource to India or Taiwan. That American’s don’t deserve jobs. May they live in the fruits of their hate of producers. Orwell was about 20 years off when he named his novel 1984!

    Also, I would like to reprint with your permission your remarks in our newsletter. Let me know if you would want name or website omitted.

    I also encourage everyone here to email her your support or leave a post at

    P.S. You guys are a welcome stop through the muck. Ayn Rand Rules! My daughter Zoe Ayn thinks so too :)

  • “That American’s don’t deserve jobs.”

    I wouldn’t blame all Americans for the actions of the DOJ.

    “Also, I would like to reprint with your permission your remarks in our newsletter.”
    Sure, go right ahead.

  • I am pleased that M.Stewart has been convicted on all four counts. Her greed has landed her in a position where she will have to take responsibility and own up for being dishonest. I believe the verdict is just and hope that she serves the maximum allowable time.

  • I am pleased that M.Stewart has been convicted on all four counts. Her greed has landed her in a position where she will have to take responsibility and own up for being dishonest. I believe the verdict is just and hope that she serves the maximum allowable time.

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