December 13th, 2003

Keiko vs Enviromentalism

I’m embarrassed to admit that “Free Willy” was my favorite movie when it first came out (back when I was an enviro-freak.) So I found this interesting:

Keiko, the killer whale made famous by the “Free Willy” movies, has died in Norwegian coastal waters where he remained after millions of dollars and a decade of work failed to coax him back to the open sea, his caretakers said early Saturday…. The project — to reintegrate Keiko with a pod of wild killer whales — cost more than $20 million and stirred interest and ire worldwide.

Apparently orcas are smart enough to know that living “close to nature” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. $20 million and all the environmentalists in the world couldn’t convince Keiko to leave human civilization. If only the environmentalists were so smart…

One Response to “Keiko vs Enviromentalism”

  • I have the entire Free Willy trilogy. Looking back now, I realize how shockingly biased the movies were. I shudder to recall my days of Captain Planet. Why were fat people always wanting to build malls in swamps, anyway? And just how much toxic waste can be illegaly dumped in one show before it gets ridiculous?

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