Archive for December, 2011

Socialists, Capitalists and Moderates on the Facts
0(Reposted from my Facebook.)
Fact: There are poor people.
Socialist: Give me all your money, I will take care of them. Or else.
Capitalist: I can make lots of money from them because they’ll work for less.
Moderate: Give me half your money, so I can pay them not to work, then hire anyone who doesn’t want your money for free. If you make a profit, I’ll take it to pay more poor people to not work.
Fact: People lie.
Socialist: The government ought to teach people how to think and decide who is allowed to say what because people can’t tell lies from truth.
Capitalist: Honesty is just good business. Suing frauds for everything they’ve got is also good business.
Moderate: Say whatever you want, as long as no one is offended. But just in case, a “truth board” will censor anything anyone might find objectionable.
Fact: Some people are more successful than others.
Socialist: Since men are all equal, differences must be due to education and inheritance. We must seize inheritance and other gifts, and replace education with standard government schools. If anyone is still more successful than anyone else in school or in their career, they must have cheated, so we must punish them until they are equal.
Capitalist: Let’s find out what makes people successful so we can make a fortune doing or selling it.
Moderate: It’s OK to be successful as long as you don’t make anyone jealous. You must make those who envy you feel better about their failures by sharing your success with them. Or else.
Fact: Some people don’t like each other.
Socialist: Since men are equal, they must all love each other equally. We must take away anything that make them different or special away from them so that they cannot tell any group apart.
Capitalist: More customers is always good for business. If someone doesn’t want to work with someone for irrational reasons, I will happily take their customers and employees.
Moderate: People ought to learn to get along. Therefore, I will force people who hate each other to live and work together so they can learn to appreciate their differences.
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