Truth, Justice, and the American Way


Church of Fools

Filed under: Humor — David @ 6:36 pm
Slashdot: Starting on May 11, and for a duration of three months, you’ll be able to go to a virtual church…This experiment is launched by a Christian website, Ship of Fools, and will be named Church of Fools. Even with such a foolish name, the virtual church project has been approved by the church hierarchy.

Appropriate, eh? I wonder: does showing pop-up ads during services defile it?

Filed under: In the News... — David @ 6:27 pm

The Agitator:

Norway is the latest European police state country to go fjord-to-fjord smoke free, though with an interesting twist. Apparently, bar and restaurant owners are subject to fines if their patrons are caught smoking, but same owners do not have the authority to eject patrons for lighting up. And patrons themselves can’t be punished for smoking in public.

Another arch-terrorist – dead.

Filed under: Middle East/Terrorism — David @ 6:26 pm

A great day for freedom: Abdel Aziz Rantisi, the new leader of Hamas was taken out yesterday by the IDF. Just a few weeks ago, he proclaimed his love for death and said that “If by Apache or by cardiac arrest, I prefer Apache.” Looks like he got his wish! Rantisi is estimated to have personally planned terrorist attacks that killed upwards of 400 and is “one of the most hard-line members of the militant movement who rejects all compromise with Israel and calls for the destruction of the Jewish state.” The “international community” has been quick to condemn the killing, and the terrorists are urging bloody vengeance on Israel – and America. Meanwhile, as death-happy as they claim to be, Hamas has not announced a new leader or retaliated for the assassination of their last two – demonstrating once again that the only thing these sick bastards understand is ruthless, uncompromising, and unrelenting force.

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