About David
I recently graduated from Texas A&M University with a masters in Management of Information Systems. I now live in rural Texas, though I will soon be looking for a job in a big city. I am an egoist, a technophile, a capitalist, and a proud advocate of my ideals.
About RationalMind.Net
The two passions of my life are technology and philosophy, and I use the web to pursue them both. The purpose of this website is to provide an outlet for my ideas and a place to experiment with web design and programming. I have kept a blog since June 2002, though this website has been around in one form or another since my high school web-design class. I also run ObjectivismOnline.Net, an online community for people who share my ideas.
Heroes and intellectual influences:
Fiction Writers: Ayn Rand, Robert Heinlein, Victor Hugo, James Clavell, Arthur C Clarke, Jules Verne, Arthur Conan Doyle, Shakespeare
Non-fiction Writers: Ludwig Von Mises, Leonard Peikoff, Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, Henry Hazlitt, George Reisman, Aristotle
Music: Classical, Classic Rock, Techno, Electronica, Jazz, and 80’s rock.
Brief Biography:
I was born in Ukraine on October 12, 1980. Ten years later, I immigrated with my family to the United States of America, the greatest country in the world. After eight years of collectivist propaganda in the public schools of San Antonio, Texas, I entered Texas A&M University, and discovered the meaning of liberty in the form of free-market economics. My interest in liberty led me to change my major to economics and political science, in which I received degrees three years later.
Not long after becoming a capitalist, my intellectual journey led me to begin a life-long study of philosophy and Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism. I have been an advocate of individual rights, and a pro-reason, pro-reality philosophy on campus as well as on the web. I enjoy debating philosophy, politics, economics, and technology with anyone who cares to offer me a rational argument. I currently do this at the Aggie Objectivism Club and the Objectivism Online forums.
I also have a strong interest in technology; especially the potential for information systems to improve human life. I am currently a graduate student in Management of Information Systems as Texas A&M. I enjoy web-design and programming both for a living and as a hobby. Other technology interests include blogging, PHP, .Net, the semantic web, and content management systems.
My professional goal is to become an expert in system architecture and enterprise system development. My intellectual goal is to study the theory, history, philosophy, and ethics of freedom. My personal goals are to find friends and a soulmate who share my values and passions, learn to fly a plane, and retire to write books on how great human life should and can be. I enjoy reading, skating, skiing, hiking, digital photography, flight simulators, and the occasional movie.