Archive for September 1st, 2003

Monday, September 1st, 2003

Socialist healthcare policies are bankrupting doctors and killing untreated patients. If you believe that doctors should not be made slaves to bureaucrats and patients, support Americans for Free Choice in Medicine.

Monday, September 1st, 2003

Not satisfied with forcing flush-twice (or thrice, if youre in CA) toilets on unsuspecting Americans and creating numerous toilet smuggling outfits along our borders, enviro-wackos are pushing the dry flush variety to developing countries . These monstrosities start around $2000 and closely resemble the unsanitary, disease-ridden, unheated, and putrid outhouses our ancestors had to use before the invention of flush toilets. The new variety improves on that design by forcing you to regularly empty the toilet—presumably on your crops. After all, we wouldnt want to deprive ringworms and other assorted parasites of their right to continue infecting us.
(Props to Tim for the link.)

The Joys of Blogging

Monday, September 1st, 2003

Going along with the theme of my previous post, I would like to review the progress of this blog, and perhaps inspire some of my readers to start their own (and feed my already super-sized ego.) I started blogging 16 months ago to improve my writing, thinking, and web-design skills. 595 entries later, the blog has been far more successful than I expected. My literary abilities still need much improvement, but there have been many tangible results. Traffic has grown from nil to 2155 unique hits and 5364 visits this August. Google and Blogshares count 75 and 44 links to my homepage, respectively. When the value of incoming links is measured, my site is …

The first day of the rest of my life…

Monday, September 1st, 2003

Tomorrow, I start my first full-time semester in grad school and my first serious job. I dont consider these events very important in themselves, but in a way, tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life. Unlike my liberal arts education, the classes and the job I have now are aimed at preparing me for my future vocation and formerly tentative musing about my future have been replaced by a clear focus on where I want to be, and what I must do to get there.

During the four years of my undergraduate education, I went through a process of intellectual discovery and application of my knowledge to my values and goals. I …

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