Archive for February 10th, 2003

“Open letter to Brother Kelly Boggs, Pastor”

Monday, February 10th, 2003

(This is in reply to Circumstantial evidence.)Greetings, Far be it from me to attack an argument for a war with Iraq, but your piece did not use the terms “theory,” “evidence,” and most importantly, “belief” properly. The proper approach to determining facts, whether it is the theory of evolution or Saddam’s possession of WMD’s is to apply the scientific process in order to reach conclusions—not relying on “faith” or “refusing to believe” something.In general, the proper method of reaching conclusions is by induction—making observations about a large number of instances (concrete examples) and then forming a hypothesis (abstract idea) based on those observations. Based on the hypothesis, we make predictions about what the concretes should be, ...

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