Archive for June 10th, 2003

Mike has the written the

Tuesday, June 10th, 2003

Mike has the written the first of many great editorials as a new opinion writer for the Battalion. The best parts of his second editorial (on FCC and antitust) were censored by his editor, so he let me to post it here for your enjoyment.

“Drug cartels thrive in US national parks”

Tuesday, June 10th, 2003

The CSMonitor reports that "Drug cartels thrive in US national parks." The blame is placed solely on the druggies, but do you think this would happen if the park land was privately owned or growing weeds was legal? When the government places a very profitable (and harmless) industry outside the law, what else can it expect but the Prohibition all over again? Well, at least public land is finally being put to a productive use.

New Saddam’s in Circulation

Tuesday, June 10th, 2003

A brief lesson in central banking: after a number of sources reported that the Saddam’s dinar is gaining against the dollar, the new Iraqi government is printing new dinars—complete with a photo of the deposed dictator on the front. Why? The dinar gained value against the dollar after the fall of the old regime becuase people thought no more would be printed. Printing massive amounts of currency is a favorite means of goverments to finance their Statist schemes, and an end to the old currency meant that the amount of dinars in the economy would be more or less fixed, increasing it’s utility as a currency. However, Iraqi bureaucrats wouldn’t let the demise of the dinar’s …

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