The Aggie Review Online



The Aggie Review currently in a hiatus, pending new management this coming semester, but feel free to register and post your comments!

Our Mission:

Apathy, political correctness, and philosophical impotence have paralyzed discourse and honest discussion on our campus. Our dedication is to the restoration and maintenance of American values and liberty. Our tools are a belief in freedom of speech, candid expression, and dedication to intellectual honesty. Our inspiration is an unrelenting dedication to truth, and an unflinching moral rectitude.

Positions Needed:

Writers, reporters, photographers, page makers, graphic designers, editors, cartoonists, circulation managers, fund raisers, news rack-ers, publicity gurus, managers, socialites, paper-passer-outers, web designers, brain-stormers, brew-masters, bakers, limo drivers, sports fans, and...beef eaters.

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Today's quote is:
"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself." - Thomas Jefferson

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