News – Auto-Magical n. 1: automatic, but with an element of magic. 2: too complex to understand and/or explain Thu, 07 Apr 2016 05:29:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 38147107 Automagical? Mon, 09 Jul 2012 08:46:59 +0000 See the Wictionary entry.

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The HD revolution is coming to the web – update your creative process today Thu, 22 Mar 2012 11:13:37 +0000 Continue reading The HD revolution is coming to the web – update your creative process today ]]> You’ve probably heard about the “retina” displays on the iPhone 4/4S and the new iPad. These devices have double the display density of most other devices. The high-DPI displays of these devices are unique, but they won’t be for long. Most analysts are predicting that within a few months, Apple will introduce the same “retina” displays for their laptops as well. Once display manufacturers like Samsung and Sharp ramp up production, the rest of the industry will very likely follow.

In other words, we are facing the equivalent of the HD TV transition for personal computing. It will come to smartphones, tablets and then desktops. Speculating about the timeline of the transition is of course risky, but I suspect that there will be many high-DPI devices being sold by the end of 2012 – not limited to Apple. Certainly within a few years, we can expect the rest of the industry to follow. Because websites and applications can display content appropriate to the viewer’s hardware, they can gain a competitive advantage without imposing costs on non-HD visitors.

Currently very few websites and desktop applications take advantage of the high-DPI displays. While Apple has demonstrated how it can be done, the specific browser-side implementation may change. For most websites and applications it’s probably too early to invest resources in the transition. However, it is not too early to start updating your creative process to include high-definition graphics and video.  If you decide to upgrade your website six months or a year from now, it will be easier to use pre-prepared HD graphics than have to re-create them from the original PSD files (which may not be easily available.) Apple’s implementation makes it possible to transition to high-DPI by adding a single JavaScript file to your website – without increasing the page size for current users.

What this means in practical terms:

  • You should start preparing double resolution graphics and video for new content, especially important elements like headers & front page content.
  • If you target iPad or iPhone users, you should already be updating your website’s technology to support HD graphics & video.
  • When initiating projects going forward, you should give increasing consideration to adding support for high-DPI resolutions.

Update: visual guide.

]]> 0 655 CMS Sun, 04 Mar 2012 08:23:45 +0000 From the Mises Blog:
A look at the CMS I’ve maintained for the last 7 years.

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Introduction: how I became a Mac evangelist Fri, 14 Nov 2008 07:05:15 +0000 Continue reading Introduction: how I became a Mac evangelist ]]> I’ll keep this short so you can get to the good stuff:

A dedicated Windows user and programmer, I got my first Mac a few weeks ago. I came for the shiny metallic and glass enclosure of the MacBook, but stayed for the highly usable, powerful, and shiny metallic and glass operating system.

I immersed myself with my MacBook for several weeks, withdrawing periodically only to eat, sleep, and lecture my friends on the superiority of everything Mac.  Having thoroughly annoyed my immediate acquaintances, I have decided to let my wisdom loose on the web.

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