November 15th, 2005

I love capitalism

I got an Visa credit card last month, and ran up a huge balance, nearly a thousand dollars over the credit limit. I paid the full balance the day it was due, but it cleared two days later. Yesterday, I saw a $35 overlimit fee, and a $39 late fee on my account. The fees were totally my fault, but I decided to do my best to wriggle out of them. I thought of potential arguments and pleas for leniency and mercy all day before calling visa. The conversion went something like this: “I have these fees on my statement…” “I can definitely remove those fees for you sir.” And that’s all it took. Can you imagine trying this with the IRS?

2 Responses to “I love capitalism”

  • Most companies desire and thrive on good will. Over on The Christian Prophet blog today the Holy Spirit speaks favorably of true capitalism.

  • Speaking of the awe of capitalism…

    When I went shopping with my father right before Thanksgiving, I just had to pause and think about how lucky we are to live in a country, under an economic system, that can fill a huge warehouse with countless items of food. Has anyone else stopped to think about this while shopping? We have trucks criss-crossing this entire country, supplying and re-supplying thousands of markets just like the one you shop it. It really is awe-inspiring that man has achieved this.

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