October 14th, 2005

Econ Quiz #2

BISMARCK, North Dakota (AP) — To sell things over eBay, Mark Nichols may be required to take instruction in rapid-fire speaking, breathing control and reading hand gestures, even though the transactions are done by computer keyboard and mouse. To get a North Dakota auctioneer’s license, applicants must pay a $35 fee, obtain a $5,000 surety bond and undergo training at one of eight approved auction schools, where the curriculum includes talking really fast.

Quiz question: this legislation is about (a): public safety (b): raising revenue, or (c): creating barriers to entry to legislate online competitors out of business

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Dear god(s), Grant me courage and eloquence to boldly speak the truth when I know it; honesty to keep my mouth shut when I don't, the wisdom to know the difference, and the determination and integrity to discover the facts.
--David Veksler