Archive for September 20th, 2004

September 20th, 2004


Many would say that I should pity, not ridicule the poor bastards who buy into such schemes. They might be right, but a fool and his money are easily parted anyway.
(Thanks, Tim.)

September 20th, 2004

Staged Hate Crime at Claremont College

Apparently, leftist professors are getting so desperate to find evidence of racism to justify their employment that they are creating their own. And it worked almost.
A college professor convicted of staging a hate crime by spray-painting her own car with racist slurs was ordered to undergo 90 days of psychological testing at a [...]

September 20th, 2004


Googles online networking website Orkut is growing like wildfire, and it has some pretty cool features. Best of all, its written in .Net, so its outstandingly fast, unlike JSP and PHP based services. If youre already a member, look up GreedyCapitalist If you arent, you need an invitation just ping [...]

September 20th, 2004

CBS “misled” about Bush memo

CBS has admitted that they were deceived about the fake Bush memo. Its pretty obvious there was some dishonesty going on the part of CBS and Ill be pissed if some heads dont roll but not as much as all the disillusioned (with W) conservatives who are going to vote not for [...]