After years of browsing dozens of blogs daily, I finally got an RSS newsreader – RSS Bandit. It’s a free C# project, so I can hack (and perhaps contribute to) the code. It has a nice tabbed reading pane, auto-locates feeds from a website’s URL, allows me to comment right from the reader, and will upload my subscriptions to my website so that I can sync between different computers.
With the newsreader, I can rapidly skim 400+ news sources daily, from the New York Times, to the Drudge Report, to the ObjectivismOnline forum. I’ve added an OPML export of my subscriptions to my site, along with the 12 other feeds on my syndication page . Isn’t technology great?
If you’re interested in reading your subscriptions on more than one computer (e.g., on a home computer and a work computer) without overlapping what you’ve seen and where you’ve seen it, I highly recommend the web-based Bloglines. Excellent free program — and it can import your subscriptions file, if you just wanna check it out on the side.
Left by Derek
on June 3rd, 2004