April 24th, 2004

Pro-Capitalist Random Quote Generator Script

Do you like the random quotes you see on my website? Would you like to add my random quote generator to your site? You can do so in a number of ways:

  • As a JavaScript include (easiest method): Paste the following text into your html:
    <script language="Javascript" SRC="http://rationalmind.net/random.php?format=js"></script>
  • As XML: Use this URL: http://rationalmind.net/random.php?format=xml
  • As PHP code:

    < ?php include("http://rationalmind.net/random.php"); ?>

  • As text (when screen scraping): http://rationalmind.net/random.php
If you want to submit your own quotes, you can view the full list and add new quotes. (The quotes will not appear until I approve them.)

If you want to limit the quotes to a specific author, add author=Authors Name to the URL. (To filter by topic, use ?fortune=KeyWord ) You can combine this with the format. For example: http://rationalmind.net/random.php?author=Ayn Rand&format=js

If you want to view all quotes by a specific author, add ?show_author= to the url like so: http://rationalmind.net/random.php?author=Ayn Rand

3 Responses to “Pro-Capitalist Random Quote Generator Script”

  • You might want to review and add the large selection of economics quotes from http://www.fortliberty.org/quotes/quotes-economics.shtml

    The site also has relevant quotes on several related topics, such as liberty, law, taxes, and government.

  • I added it to my website

  • Just wanted to tell you that it gona be very nice if you gona add something like a day image,
    or something like a ramdom picture

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Dear god(s), Grant me courage and eloquence to boldly speak the truth when I know it; honesty to keep my mouth shut when I don't, the wisdom to know the difference, and the determination and integrity to discover the facts.
--David Veksler