January 31st, 2004


I’ve been using a PHP backlinking script from Laze.Net for a while now to show the referrers to my site. Unfortunately, the script hasn’t been updated to reflect changes in Yahoo’s new search string. So, I updated the string parsing code to correctly show the search terms. You can find the code below. Warning: Adding recent referrs to your blog has some interesting consequences, which you may want to consider before making them publicly visible.


= “backlink.txt”;
$mydomain = “rationalmind.net”;
$displaynum = 10;
$displaychar = 30;

$recent = file($recentfile);
$start = 0;
$amount = count($recent);
if (
$amount >= $displaynum) {
$start = 1;
$amount = $displaynum;
for (
$x = ($amount-1); $x >= 0; $x–) {
    if (
eregi(“google.”, $recent[$x]) || eregi(“search.msn.”, $recent[$x]) ||
eregi(“atomz.com”, $recent[$x]) || eregi(“lycos.”, $recent[$x]) || eregi(“yahoo.”, $recent[$x]) ||
eregi(“altavista.”, $recent[$x])) {
        if (
eregi(“google.yahoo”, $recent[$x])  ) {  
list($first, $rest) = split(“p=”, $recent[$x]);
        } elseif (
eregi(“lycos.”, $recent[$x])) {
$first, $rest) = split(“query=”, $recent[$x]);
        } elseif (
eregi(“q=&q=”, $recent[$x])) {
$first, $rest) = split(“q=&q=”, $recent[$x]);
        } elseif (
eregi(“yahoo.”, $recent[$x])) {
$first, $rest) = split(“p=”, $recent[$x]);
        } else {
$first, $rest) = split(“q=”, $recent[$x]);
$temp, $toss) = split(“&”, $rest);

$temp = eregi_replace (“+”, ” “, $temp);
$temp = eregi_replace (“%22″, “”", $temp);
$temp = eregi_replace (“%27″, “‘”, $temp);
$temp = eregi_replace (“%26″, “&”, $temp);
$temp = eregi_replace (“%20″, ” “, $temp);
        if (
eregi(“atomz.com”, $recent[$x])) {
“<b>ls: </b> “;
        } else {
“<b>s: </b> “;
“<a href=”" . rtrim($recent[$x]) . “”>” . substr($temp, 0, $displaychar - 3);
        if (
strlen($temp) > $displaychar - 3) {
“</a><br />\n”;
    } else {
$temp = rtrim(substr((eregi_replace(“www.”, “”, $recent[$x])), 7, $displaychar));
“<a href=”" . rtrim($recent[$x]) . “”>” . $temp;
        if (
strlen($temp) > $displaychar - 1) {
“</a><br />\n”;
$recent[$amount] = $HTTP_REFERER . “\n”;
if (
$HTTP_REFERER && !(eregi($mydomain, $HTTP_REFERER)) && !(eregi(“Outpost”, $HTTP_REFERER))) {
$fp = fopen ($recentfile, “w”);
    for (
$y = $start; $y <= $amount; $y++) {
fputs($fp, “$recent[$y]);
fclose ($fp);

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Dear god(s), Grant me courage and eloquence to boldly speak the truth when I know it; honesty to keep my mouth shut when I don't, the wisdom to know the difference, and the determination and integrity to discover the facts.
--David Veksler