January 25th, 2004

Goodbye to the Big Apple

I’ve long wanted to live in a major city in or near New York City, but recent political trends have changed my mind. Here are some of the more outrageous examples:

  • New York has a Department of Homeless Services, which, among its other activities, i
    http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/16409.htm”>s giving away $10 million in cash to the homeless.

  • Washington DC will soon install plain white condom dispensers in select government offices and begin distributing the contraceptives for free. The city plans to pass out about 550,000 male condoms, 45,000 latex dental dams and about 30,000 female condoms in a variety of venues, including the public school system, which gives out 50,000 condoms a year.

  • I will pay 50.8% more in state and local taxes in New York than I will in other states.
  • And finally, due to a new law sponsored by Governor Pataki, I risk a jail term of up to 25 years if I take my gun to New York. (It’s illegal to sell even a toy gun!)

2 Responses to “Goodbye to the Big Apple”

  • I live in NY state, and it is definitely a difficult state to live in. I believe we are the most highly taxed state in the union, next to Cali. That’s the problem. See, NY is quite liberal, and that mentality combined with the monetary power of the state govt, allows for all sorts of crazy laws and social welfar (like outlawing smoking in establishments and the homeless cash giveaway you mentioned.
    Soon as I graduate CIA, I am moving to Colorado.

  • This Breaks My Heart
    I’m like David, in that I’ve always wanted to live in NYC. I’ve visited it and I am sold. It’s a wonderful place… to visit apparently.I will pay 50.8% more in state and local taxes in New York than I will in other states.Read his post for more exampl…

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