Archive for January 25th, 2004

January 25th, 2004

“F*** Hitler! F*** the Nazis!”

This is one of the reaons I want a parrot: “inner thoughts of Britain’s wartime leader Winston Churchill live on, thanks to the foul mouth of his 104-year-old parrot who lives at a garden centre in southeast England.” Also check out JJ’s take on it.

January 25th, 2004

Israel moving forward with plan to release 400 Arab prisoners

Israel is releasing over 430 terrorists (many of whom are known to have planned and carried out terrorist attacks) in exchange for a single businessman abducted in 2000 by the Hezbollah. While this is a great example of the difference between the value Israelis and the terrorists place on human life, I wonder how [...]

January 25th, 2004

Goodbye to the Big Apple

I’ve long wanted to live in a major city in or near New York City, but recent political trends have changed my mind. Here are some of the more outrageous examples:
New York has a Department of Homeless Services, which, among its other activities, is giving away $10 million in cash to the homeless.
Washington DC [...]