Archive for October 25th, 2003

October 25th, 2003


Weak and puny, small and frail,

Helpless he with tooth or nail,

In a world of fang and claw

Where sheer power makes the law.

Into battle he had gone

With the shaggy mastodon,

With the cruel beasts of prey

Snarling in their lust to slay,

Thirsting for the taste of blood;

He has fought with fire and flood,

With a heart and soul elate

Warred [...]

October 25th, 2003

Random Quote..

A random prediction from sci-fi writer and futurist Robert Heinlein in 1950: “The cult of the phony in art will disappear. So-called modern art will be discussed only by psychiatrists.”
In 1980: “One pay hopeWhile “fine” art continues to look like the work of retarded monkeys, commercial art grows steadily better.”