Shortly after WWII, it was in vogue among leftist types to call people who�s politics they disagreed with �fascist� while �freedom and democracy� were used to designate favorable positions and governments, regardless of actual policy. Since this trend is on the rise again, I though a 1946-era quiz would be of interest:
The F Scale, is "an instrument that would yield an estimate of fascist receptivity at the personality level."
I disagree with a number of questions, but I still find the test a much better indicator of Fascist tendencies than today�s leftist rants. (I scored 2.3, mostly because of Q�s 2-4. 1950 avg was 3.84.)
(Link found here.)
2.3 -- "You are a liberal airhead." Ha! Yes, this is a great predictor of political personality. Of course, it only offers two possibilities: fascist or modern-day liberal. This does, indeed, correlate nicely with what is going on today; if you're not a liberal (one form of socialism), you must be a fascist (another form of socialism). See how nicely we all fit into the socialist sweat box?
Posted by: oldsalt at March 29, 2004 11:08 AM