Archive for 6/12/2004

Civil War Widows

This is kinda interesting: the last surviving widows of the Civil War on both the Union and Confederate sides died within the last year. For the historically challenged, the war ended in 1865, 140 years ago.

My Bookmarks

I decided to clean up my bookmarks a few days ago, after accumulating nearly 2000 links over seven years of web surfing. The growth of my bookmark list has dropped drastically lately, because Google makes finding sites so easy that I rarely bother to save them anymore. Anyway, I trimmed the bookmarks to a manageable 600 and uploaded it for my (and your) reference.
You will notice that I have few blogs in the list, because I manage those separately in my RSS reader. You can also get an OPML list of the right-side links on my blog. Also of interest: if you want to speed up your PHP website, I have some tips for you.