• "Special rights" for certain races/cultures/ethnicities
  • Censorship and arbitrary imprisonment of non-crimes such as sexism, "heterocentrism", "ableism" etc.
  • Arbitrary redistribution of wealth on the basis of wealth, race, success, etc
  • "Reasonable" slave-reparations plan
  • State-worship replacing God-worship (note: I don’t condone either)
  • Extensive gun control and confiscation from "suspect" groups
  • Nationalized child care, health care, and education, and social security for the retired
  • Rational thinking replaced by mass brainwashing in public institutions
  • Arbitrary court system dominated by politics rather than legal code
  • Belief that race, class, and society fix the essential traits of every person.
  • Many other policies that sacrifice individuals for "society" and the "common good"

Seems like the usual liberal agenda, right? Replace "slave" by "Jew" and "heterocentrism" by "homocentrism" and you have platform of the National Socialist Workers (NAZI) Party.

(This blog inspired by "an extremist homophobic Republican nazi" on the Hobbes forum.)

Something to say?