Archive for 5/23/2003

PETA Madness


OK, first PETA compared the murder of the Jews in the Holocaust to the killing of cows and chickens. If that weren’t crazy enough, the’re now on a campaign against IAMS (the pet food company) for get this, conducting nutrition trials on pets. Apparently unlike humans, who frequently experiment with different diets, animals aren’t able to consent to nutrition testing! The irony of course is that animas don’t have rights for the precise reason that as non-rational beings, they don’t have the ability to engage in consensual/transactional interactions with humans. Meanwhile PETA is essentially a terrorist group bent on wiping out humanity – or at least everything that differentiates us from animals.

World News Update, Photo Edition


In today’s obligatory Islamic fundamentalism section, here is a protest attended by up to 2000 "peace loving" Palestinians. Can’t you just feel all the love and goodwill for his Israeli neighbors the little boy in the center is learning from his big brothers? Awww, almost makes you wanna puke.

Palestinian gunmen of the Al Aqsa martyrs brigade

Next we have the predictable result of shoddy construction leading to mass casualties whenever even the slightest natural disaster hits oppressive third world regimes. Citizens of developed countries who have spent their hard-earned money not to live in buildings made out of cards suddenly find their incomes being confiscated to clean up after the failures of one or another socialist regime. Meanwhile, their populace votes for the same Statist regulations that keep the evil capitalists from building any buildings that can stand up to the slightest tremor, flood, or hurricane.

Algerian soldiers and French rescuers look for

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